October Fun

 We have had an exciting month.  Going to Kansas City was a great trip.  All the kids were so well behaved and respectful.  I think they all enjoyed Science City.  Riding the bus with all of the middle school and the 5th grade was an experience.  Since we had a charter bus, we all had enough room and it was a comfortable ride.  I am including pictures from the day.

In 6th grade, we are reading Number the Stars in class and they are completing packets.  When we finish they will have a final project instead of a formal test.  We are also working on how to correctly format and punctuate dialogue.

In 7th grade we have been reading a suspenseful mystery book call Creep, we started it last year and didn't finish, so we started over this year.  I even fought myself not to finish it this summer so we could all find out what happens together.  They are also working on projects for their independent book which will be due on the 22nd of this month.

In 8th grade, we cha done a variety of things, they wrote and recorded, and presented a radio show.  That was fun, they also had to add sound effects in their productions.  They, too, are working on book projects which will be due on the 22nd.  We just started a research paper.  They had to pick a topic from WWII and the Holocaust sheet so that ties in with our field trip as well.

I am excited to see and in some cases meet parents for parent-teacher conferences which are Oct 26th and the 28th.  If you haven't signed up yet, here is the link. 


Looking forward to seeing you all!



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