Welcome Back!

This year I decided to restart my weekly/biweekly blog. I got away from it because I kept forgetting to post, so hopefully I will be better this year. This is going to be a geat year; I can feel it already. I am excited to get started. However, I can't believe the summer went so quickly. This summer my husband and I went to the Redwoods in northern California. It was amazing to see how large those trees actually get. I am sure the students were all excited to get back to a schedule as well, if for no other reason, just to see friends. This year we have new additions to the language room. We have guinea pigs! The middle scchoolers voted on names for them and their names are Shrek and Donkey. They are both males, at least that is what I was told, I am really hoping they are both males. Two is enough. The first week has been a lot of we catching up,and I have been learning a lot about the sixth grade class. We will have independent book projects this year, so all students will need to be reading a book on their own, in addition to the book and stories we will be reading in class. The first book project will be due on September 30th. We will also do a lot of writing. All classes have a googleclassroom where we will try to keep organized an have assignments and activities. I also have a new way to enhance our vocabulary. The cite they will be using is vocabulary.com. Everyone is enrolled and I think they are all working on getting to know how to navigate it. I have used it in the past and most of my past students enjoyed it. We will compete with scores and times they use it as well as words they have mastered. I will have small prizes for some of our competitions. This week winners are Sawyer, Hank and Sebastian. I will be adding pictures if I figure out how, right now it isn't working for me. I hope everyone has a safe holiday weekend.


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