Thankful for these kids!

Book Project Time
Get ready for a lot of pictures!  The kids have all been working hard on book projects over the last couple of months.  They are all so creative; I am so impressed.  Many of the students created games based on their books, so of course, we took the time to play them, because what good is a game if you don't play it.  During study hall, some of the 6th graders took time to decorate my desk for Christmas.  As you may see in the background, the 7th graders are also working on decorating the room.    As I said, there are many pictures, but I think the kids like seeing themselves, and this is the best way to show them off.  I really hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoyed watching all the presentations.   Thank you all again for sharing your children with me.  They are awesome!



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