Conferences are almost here!

Parent-Teacher Conferences - Fall 2020

I am looking forward to my first conferences here at St. Malachy.  I am very happy we are going to have some of them in person, I am more of a people person and not the best at remembering names.  I will get the opportunity to have conferences with all the 7th-grade parents and the 6th graders' parents who are in my study hall at the end of the day.

In all the classes, we are doing a lot of fun stuff.  The 6th graders just finished their movie reviews.  They did such a nice job.  If you know a 6th grader, ask them to show you theirs.  I was very pleased with them.  In 7th grade, we have been working on podcasts.  With the world becoming more and more driven by technology and social media, I felt this was fitting.  The students have been doing a great job of finding ways to do this and helping each other as well.  We haven't had the opportunity to see them all yet, but again, I am blown away by their abilities and willingness to adapt and learn.  The 8th graders just finished their first class novel of the year and we are getting ready to start a new unit.  An independent novel unit. We will be discussing the requirements for it tomorrow.  

I sent out emails for the conference schedule, but here is the sign-up link again if you need it.

Here are the requirements for conferences 
Tuesday, October 27, 3:30-7 pm 
Thursday, October 29th 1-5pm & 6-9:30pm

● Conferences will last 12 minutes - this allows for time to clean between each visit.
● 1 Parent/guardian may attend (we recommend the other parents/guardians attend via facetime or
    speakerphone call)
● Teachers will take the temperature of the parent/guardian in attendance
● Masks are required
● To reduce exposure we ask that parents/guardians use the door nearest your child’s classroom door
● We ask that children do not attend
● We will have the Book Fair in the gym on Thursday from 1-9:30. We ask parents to social distance and
    sanitize their hands before shopping.

Google Meet Conference - If you would like to attend virtually. Please let me know when you sign up for your conference. You can go to the sign-up link and comment on there as well. (I think)
Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Simmons, and Mrs. Knapp will provide me with documentation about how
your child is progressing in their class.  
Again, I look forward to meeting with you!


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