Language Class and Art

I am sorry I haven't been on here for a while.  I keep forgetting to blog. and I have never blogged before along with starting at a new school has been a bit challenging, but change is good.  I am learning more and more each day, and I feel like I am starting to get the hang of things.  Another new experience for me is getting to teach art.   Having the opportunity to watch the kids create all of the different projects has been amazing.  It is so fun to learn about them through this venue.  I have tried to take several pictures to include in these blogs, and I hope to continue to do so.

As you many of you know, it has been a while since I have taught middle school, I have forgotten how much fun they are, so I am thrilled to be here. In 6th grade, we are writing a story in pairs about what happens next.  We read the story All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradberry.  Since the ending is left open, it has been an opportunity for the students to work on their dialogue techniques.  In 7th grade we are working on informative writing; we watched a video about the importance of sleep on our bodies and minds and have been researching more about this topic.   In 8th grade, we are reading the novel Animal Farm. This has been a good vocabulary building unit, we have been playing a few games in that area, and I have found they are very competitive.  Thank you all for letting me be a part of their life.  We have such good, respectful, and fun young adults here.  I feel blessed to have this opportunity.   I am including a few pictures of the kids hard at work.


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