
9/9-9/12 jam packed

This has been a full week and it is only Thursday. On Monday the middle school and 5th grade spent the day at Green Valley. The kids were amazing. The weather was beautiful, and we all had so much fun. The kids were divided into 4 groups and we had a rotation, kayaking, hiking, games, and fishing. Many of the kids had never kayaked before, but they caught on quickly, then in hiking the ranger told us about many animals native to Iowa. For the game rotation, they had a frisbee game, corn hole, football and a kick ball, then fishing where Mr. Burchard was in charge, many of them caught fish! ON Tuesday we completed FAST testing for reading,t hen on Wednesday at mass, Father Patrick announced Sam won the contest for the upgrade for our church on the sign which displays all the churches as you come in town. We have started new units in middle school, as well as new class books. The 7th graderrs will have a book based around cyber-bullying, Backlash , this is a real issue for our you

Fast and Furious

Everyting seems like it is fast and furious this year so far. I think things are going great. The kids all seem to be getting back into the groove of things. They have been reading their independent books every day in class, but some of them may need to be reading at home as well. This week in art, as you can see by the pictures, the kids are pretty talented. We have been drawing faces. I am impressed! I handed out the literature books this week as well, so we started working in those this week. I also hope they are studying for their spelling tests, which are on Fridays. The 7th grade is focuing on characterization, while the 8th grade is looking at the plot, climax and resolution. The 6th grade, however, are reading a memoir written in verse.

Welcome Back!

This year I decided to restart my weekly/biweekly blog. I got away from it because I kept forgetting to post, so hopefully I will be better this year. This is going to be a geat year; I can feel it already. I am excited to get started. However, I can't believe the summer went so quickly. This summer my husband and I went to the Redwoods in northern California. It was amazing to see how large those trees actually get. I am sure the students were all excited to get back to a schedule as well, if for no other reason, just to see friends. This year we have new additions to the language room. We have guinea pigs! The middle scchoolers voted on names for them and their names are Shrek and Donkey. They are both males, at least that is what I was told, I am really hoping they are both males. Two is enough. The first week has been a lot of we catching up,and I have been learning a lot about the sixth grade class. We will have independent book projects this year, so all student

Gearing up for conferences.

This year conferences will be offered from Monday the 31st through Thursday the 3rd. Monday times available will be from 3:30 to 4:15, on Tuesday will be from 3:30 to 5:45 on Wednesday 3:30 to 4:45 and on Thursday from 10 to 6. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!

A Great Start to a Great Year

So, here we are again, a new year and a new group of kids. We are off to a great start. The first novel the 8th graders will read it To Kill a Mockingbird, and the first novel the 7th graders will read it Shoeless Joe. We are starting both this week. The 6th graders will start out of the literature book. On Friday last week, the 7th graders started with looking up information about the White Sox scandle, and learning about Shoeless Joe. The 8th graders will be researching the time period during To Kill a Mockingbird. I am exctied for this year and so happy we are all back together.

Spring with winter weather.

I know the year is about over, but if you look at the weather, you wouldn't know it. There have been some exciting things happening in the language arts room this year. The 8th graders used the game minecraft to create the setting of To Kill a Mockingbird, that was educational for me. I didn't and still don't know much about minecraft, my grandkids play it, so I brought in my nintendo switch and they brought in theirs. It was fun and they did a great job! THe 7th graders created children's book and then read it to the class they thought would enjoy it. I keep trying to add pictures, but I don't know what I am doing wrong, but I do have pictures. All of the middle school students have been going down and reading to and helping the preschoolers recognize their letters.

Big Buddies

The middle school classes are working with the Mrs. Dinham's preschoolers, there are two, 3 year old classes and one 4 year old class. The 6th graders read books to them, and will be reading another book to them. The first book they read was a Dr. Suess book, and last week we went to the library so they could choose an informational book. They have also been looking up fun and interesting facts about their topic. They will be paired up to read to Mrs. Dinham's class next week. On Monday and today, Tuesday, the 7th graders went down to Mrs. Dinham's classes to work with the 3 year olds on recognizing their names and the letters. Today, Tuesday, the 8th graders went and worked with the 4 year olds with letters and letter sounds. The middle schoolers did such a good job with them. It helped the little ones with their letters, and will not only help the middle schoolers with century 21 skills and connecting with the younger students, it will help them be more responsible a