
Showing posts from September, 2024

9/9-9/12 jam packed

This has been a full week and it is only Thursday. On Monday the middle school and 5th grade spent the day at Green Valley. The kids were amazing. The weather was beautiful, and we all had so much fun. The kids were divided into 4 groups and we had a rotation, kayaking, hiking, games, and fishing. Many of the kids had never kayaked before, but they caught on quickly, then in hiking the ranger told us about many animals native to Iowa. For the game rotation, they had a frisbee game, corn hole, football and a kick ball, then fishing where Mr. Burchard was in charge, many of them caught fish! ON Tuesday we completed FAST testing for reading,t hen on Wednesday at mass, Father Patrick announced Sam won the contest for the upgrade for our church on the sign which displays all the churches as you come in town. We have started new units in middle school, as well as new class books. The 7th graderrs will have a book based around cyber-bullying, Backlash , this is a real issue for our you

Fast and Furious

Everyting seems like it is fast and furious this year so far. I think things are going great. The kids all seem to be getting back into the groove of things. They have been reading their independent books every day in class, but some of them may need to be reading at home as well. This week in art, as you can see by the pictures, the kids are pretty talented. We have been drawing faces. I am impressed! I handed out the literature books this week as well, so we started working in those this week. I also hope they are studying for their spelling tests, which are on Fridays. The 7th grade is focuing on characterization, while the 8th grade is looking at the plot, climax and resolution. The 6th grade, however, are reading a memoir written in verse.